Monday, 16 March 2015

Cardiac Staff Matters 16/03/15

Cardiac Staff Matters is a regular publication of updates, information, points to ponder, and things that are significant to the Program. The aim is to pass these points on during huddles, in conversations, and by posting in clinical areas to ensure widest dissemination.

1. Welcome to Steve Drawbridge, Diagnostic Imaging Manager, Section of Nuclear Medicine and recently appointed Manager of Cardiac Stress Lab at Health Sciences Centre. Stephen can be reached at Ph. #: 204 787-3838 or at Pager#: 204 932-0261. We are happy to have you join our Cardiac Sciences Program family.

2. At the February 25, 2015 College of Medicine Teacher Recognition and MMSA Teaching Awards Dinner, the Manitoba Medical Students Association presented Dr. Davinder Jassal with the Med 1 Innovation Award. Congratulations also go to Dr. Anita Soni, Dr. Clarence Khoo, Dr. James Tam, and Dr. Olga Toleva for their nominations for a MMSA Teaching Award. The awards give U of M medical students the opportunity to recognize the outstanding teachers who have made important contributions to their education.

3. Congratulations to Dr. Amir Ravandi and his team who secured a Research Manitoba Collaborative Research Team Grant for “The Manitoba Personalized Lifestyle Research” (TMPLR) program. This four year grant is effective April 1, 2015 for a total funding award of $954,390 !!

 4. Congratulations to Karen Throndson, Cardiac CNS at Health sciences Centre and her co-authors Christine Johnson and Tricia Carta for their peer-reviewed feature article ”Communicate with Me: Information Exchanges between Nurses” in the Canadian Nurse Journal , March 2015 Volume 10, Number 2.

5. RL6 Application RL6 is a new software application allowing event/incident reporting by staff with the goal of making the hospital safer. The application is now available on the Web Applications page of the SBH INTRAnet. A reminder that any technical issues related to RL 6 are to be reported to or 204-926-8077

 If you have any points that you want to pass to the rest of the Program and/or have feedback, please contact Kelly Lukaszewski at or 204.237.2743