Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Cardiac Staff Matters 02/03/15

Cardiac Staff Matters is a regular publication of updates, information, points to ponder, and things that are significant to the Program. The aim is to pass these points on during huddles, in conversations, and by posting in clinical areas to ensure widest dissemination.

1. Accreditation Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) portal is now closed and we are happy to report that the Program’s response rate was over 40%. A huge THANK-YOU again to all the staff and physicians across our program who took the time to complete the SAQ. Once the results of the SAQ become available they will be shared throughout the program. Way to go team!

2. For heart month, The Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses, MB Division in partnership with the Cardiac Sciences Program hosted a ‘Know Your Cardiovascular Risk Day’ on February 20, 2015 at St. Boniface Hospital. Approximately thirty-five individuals had their cardiovascular risk assessed. Thank you to the following volunteers: Barb Payne, Eva Stephens, Nancy Doern-White, Rose Grant, Fiona McCarthy, Irene Nazarevich, Bernie Brys, Lisa Banman, Estrellita Estrella-Holder and Lorraine Avery. Thank you also to the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada ( MB) and The Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses MB Division for providing the door prizes.

3. CSP & MB eHealth Technology Collaboration Manitoba eHealth and the Cardiac Sciences Program discussions for managing existing and future technology requirements for the Program have resulted in the formation of the Digital Information Systems Planning group. Ms. Elaine Bouchard will be the day to day Solutions Information Manager responsible for coordinating the vision for Cardiac Sciences Information Systems. Manitoba eHealth and Cardiac Sciences will soon be creating the Provincial Cardiac Sciences Information System Advisory Committee in the near future. We anticipate the partnership will add to our efforts to enhance the clinical and research environments to improve patient outcomes.

4. Welcome to Ms. Kelly Lukaszewski, our new Manager, Strategic Initiatives & Communications. Kelly will be located on CR1048 and can be reached at 204-237-2743

If you have any points that you want to pass to the rest of the Program and/or have feedback, please contact Gladys Cadieux gcadieux@sbgh.mb.ca or 204.237.3391