Monday, 30 March 2015

Cardiac Staff Matters 30/03/15

Cardiac Staff Matters is a regular publication of updates, information, points to ponder, and things that are significant to the Program. The aim is to pass these points on during huddles, in conversations, and by posting in clinical areas to ensure widest dissemination.

1. Seven students from the Stenberg College Cardiology Technology will be starting their 12 week clinical placements at all hospitals across the WRHA, starting April 6th. They will be in EKG, Stress and Holter areas with Cardiology Technologists as their preceptors. We look forward to helping them achieve their goals and wish them success on the national exam in the fall. Join us in welcoming these students!

2. The 6th Harold Buchwald Heart Health Luncheon will be held on May 4, 2015 at the RBC Convention Centre from 11:45am – 1:30pm. The featured speaker will be Dr. Noel Bairey Merz, who will be speaking on New Approaches to Personal Heart Health. For tickets or more details, please contact Ivan Berkowitz (204-228-3193) or visit .

3. Early data from the NP Transition Clinic show some promising results! This clinic is a 6 month pilot project to determine if a rapid post hospital discharge follow-up for patients admitted with heart failure improves patient outcomes. Patients referred to this clinic are seen by the Heart Failure Clinic NP within 1-2 weeks after hospital discharge and they receive regular follow-up for optimization of their medications. The preliminary results from November 2014 to February 2015 of 18 patients referred showed that there were no readmissions and/ or emergency room visits within 30 days post hospital discharge. Future plans for this clinic will be determined once the pilot has been completed.

4. The Manitoba Association of Cardiology Technologists will be holding their AGM at St. Boniface Hospital on April 18th, 2015.

5. Congratulations are in order to Dr. Minh Vo! He has been awarded the 2015 Ronald Duhamel Innovation Fund Award for his work in Interventional Cardiology. Each year, this award is presented to a person at SBH who has consistently demonstrated innovation and leadership in the advancement of healthcare for Manitobans. Well done, Dr. Vo!

6. Special Recognitions

Brett Hiebert: Great work on the online scheduling project for clinic rooms--it’s very much appreciated!

Charlene White: You’re a star for continuing your excellent work from a wheelchair while you’re healing. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

If you have any news or items of interest or information that you want to pass to the rest of the Program and/or if you have feedback, please contact Kelly Lukaszewski at
Monday, 16 March 2015

Cardiac Staff Matters 16/03/15

Cardiac Staff Matters is a regular publication of updates, information, points to ponder, and things that are significant to the Program. The aim is to pass these points on during huddles, in conversations, and by posting in clinical areas to ensure widest dissemination.

1. Welcome to Steve Drawbridge, Diagnostic Imaging Manager, Section of Nuclear Medicine and recently appointed Manager of Cardiac Stress Lab at Health Sciences Centre. Stephen can be reached at Ph. #: 204 787-3838 or at Pager#: 204 932-0261. We are happy to have you join our Cardiac Sciences Program family.

2. At the February 25, 2015 College of Medicine Teacher Recognition and MMSA Teaching Awards Dinner, the Manitoba Medical Students Association presented Dr. Davinder Jassal with the Med 1 Innovation Award. Congratulations also go to Dr. Anita Soni, Dr. Clarence Khoo, Dr. James Tam, and Dr. Olga Toleva for their nominations for a MMSA Teaching Award. The awards give U of M medical students the opportunity to recognize the outstanding teachers who have made important contributions to their education.

3. Congratulations to Dr. Amir Ravandi and his team who secured a Research Manitoba Collaborative Research Team Grant for “The Manitoba Personalized Lifestyle Research” (TMPLR) program. This four year grant is effective April 1, 2015 for a total funding award of $954,390 !!

 4. Congratulations to Karen Throndson, Cardiac CNS at Health sciences Centre and her co-authors Christine Johnson and Tricia Carta for their peer-reviewed feature article ”Communicate with Me: Information Exchanges between Nurses” in the Canadian Nurse Journal , March 2015 Volume 10, Number 2.

5. RL6 Application RL6 is a new software application allowing event/incident reporting by staff with the goal of making the hospital safer. The application is now available on the Web Applications page of the SBH INTRAnet. A reminder that any technical issues related to RL 6 are to be reported to or 204-926-8077

 If you have any points that you want to pass to the rest of the Program and/or have feedback, please contact Kelly Lukaszewski at or 204.237.2743
Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Cardiac Staff Matters 02/03/15

Cardiac Staff Matters is a regular publication of updates, information, points to ponder, and things that are significant to the Program. The aim is to pass these points on during huddles, in conversations, and by posting in clinical areas to ensure widest dissemination.

1. Accreditation Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) portal is now closed and we are happy to report that the Program’s response rate was over 40%. A huge THANK-YOU again to all the staff and physicians across our program who took the time to complete the SAQ. Once the results of the SAQ become available they will be shared throughout the program. Way to go team!

2. For heart month, The Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses, MB Division in partnership with the Cardiac Sciences Program hosted a ‘Know Your Cardiovascular Risk Day’ on February 20, 2015 at St. Boniface Hospital. Approximately thirty-five individuals had their cardiovascular risk assessed. Thank you to the following volunteers: Barb Payne, Eva Stephens, Nancy Doern-White, Rose Grant, Fiona McCarthy, Irene Nazarevich, Bernie Brys, Lisa Banman, Estrellita Estrella-Holder and Lorraine Avery. Thank you also to the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada ( MB) and The Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses MB Division for providing the door prizes.

3. CSP & MB eHealth Technology Collaboration Manitoba eHealth and the Cardiac Sciences Program discussions for managing existing and future technology requirements for the Program have resulted in the formation of the Digital Information Systems Planning group. Ms. Elaine Bouchard will be the day to day Solutions Information Manager responsible for coordinating the vision for Cardiac Sciences Information Systems. Manitoba eHealth and Cardiac Sciences will soon be creating the Provincial Cardiac Sciences Information System Advisory Committee in the near future. We anticipate the partnership will add to our efforts to enhance the clinical and research environments to improve patient outcomes.

4. Welcome to Ms. Kelly Lukaszewski, our new Manager, Strategic Initiatives & Communications. Kelly will be located on CR1048 and can be reached at 204-237-2743

If you have any points that you want to pass to the rest of the Program and/or have feedback, please contact Gladys Cadieux or 204.237.3391