Monday, 5 December 2016

Cardiac Staff Matters 05/12/16

1. A warm welcome is extended to Hazel Reyes, who began working in the role as clinical dietitian in the Lipid Clinic at SBH on November 29th. Glad to have you with us, Hazel!

2. A new attending physician has been seen in the Intensive Care Cardiac Surgery (ICCS) at SBH. Dr. Scott Brudney relocated from North Carolina and joined us last week. Please help us welcome Dr. Brudney to the team there, as well as to Friendly Manitoba!

3. A group of Cardiology Technologists from both SBH and HSC went to the Clinical Learning and Simulation Facility at the U of M Bannatyne campus to teach the skills of performing EKGs to the Med 1 students. It was a rewarding afternoon teaching our skills to the next generation of physicians.

4. Congratulations to Dustin Kimber, a student in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management who successfully defended his Master’s Thesis titled: Does the Pre-Operative Frailty Predict Cardiac Rehabilitation Completion in Cardiac Surgery Patients” last Friday. His work was guided by Drs. T. Duhamel, E. Ready, J. Sawatzky, and R. Arora.

5. A couple of lovely farewell gatherings were held this week for program members who are retiring. Nancy Doern-White was honoured on November 29 and Lillian Koley on December 2. We wish them both all the best of luck in their retirements.

And here’s a chuckle to start the week:

A man went to Emergency after experiencing symptoms of a heart attack. “I had taken our cat to the vet,” he told the nurse, “and while I was there, my chest got tight, and I had trouble breathing. Later, my left arm began aching.”
The nurse was clearly concerned. “So,” she asked, “how was the cat?”