Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Cardiac Staff Matters 26/09/16

1. The CSP Website Advisory Committee has been working on refreshing the website (www.cardiacsciences.mb.ca). Any suggestions for content changes or additions are welcome! Email the chair of the group, Kelly Lukaszewski, at klukaszewski@sbgh.mb.ca with your thoughts.

2. Help us welcome aboard the following new team members:

  • Kathryn Hurtig is joining the Nuclear Stress Lab at HSC! She starts her position as a full-time Cardiology Technologist on October 3rd.
  • Marcie Loszchuk has joined the team on CR 1 at SBH as a Surgical Office Assistant with UMG. She will support patient management for the Cardiac Surgeons.
  • Marie Alvaro has joined the Cardiac Clinic Team. Marie is a Unit Assistant and will be working within the Y2 and CR1 clinics at SBH.
3. Good luck to the Cardiology Technologist students who will write their Canadian Society of Cardiology Technologists registration examination this week!

4. Even though there are changes in the SBH Cardiac Access Office, you’ll be seeing some familiar faces . Barb Shearer has resigned her permanent position as of this week, but will continue to work with us on a casual basis. And welcome back to Bev Humphries, who is also returning to the Access Office on a casual basis. The Access Office must have a strange magnetic pull—we’re glad you both will be there!

5. Farewell to Abe Laureano, CRN in ICCS, who has accepted a position in another SBH department. His last day will be September 29. We’d like to thank him for his work in ICCS and wish him well in his new position.

6. The Cardiac Sciences Program wishes a fond farewell to Gladys Cadieux, Project Manager, who is retiring as of October 14. Gladys has played a key role in ensuring the program’s needs were met in a number of construction projects at SBH (Bergen Centre, ICCS, CSIU, ACU) as well as the introduction of technological and information systems that support the care of cardiac patients. Her retirement party will be held on October 6 at the King’s Head Pub—contact Lenore (204-235-3324) or Terri (204-258-1203) for more information or tickets.
Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Cardiac Staff Matters 12/09/16

1.     Very warm welcomes are extended to Eileen Scharfenberg and Gishali Gamage, who are the two Clinical Resource Nurses on 5A Cardiology/Post-Procedure at SBH.  Each of them brings significant cardiac experience to this role.  
2.     Please also welcome Joanne Moiny, who started last month at SBH as a casual secretary in the program.  We know Joanne from an internship she completed with us in 2015, and are very pleased to have her join us in this capacity!
3.     A new educational event will take place at the end of this month:

Attendees will gain invaluable information about arrhythmias, devices (pacemakers & defibrillators) and patient management.  In addition to excellent local presenters, the day will feature Dr. Andrew Krahn, an internationally recognized expert in the management of cardiac arrhythmias. 
Visit the event site or view the brochure for more details and registration information. 
Please share this information with any colleagues who may be interested.  Those who are unable to attend in Winnipeg can attend via MBTelehealth by contacting their local telehealth representative to arrange connection. 
4.     The Echo Department at SBH is pleased to announce the hiring of 3 new casual Cardiac Sonographers to our staff. Elissa Omiecki, Jessica Wright and Laura Ans have all just recently graduated from the Red River College Cardiac Sonographer program and we are excited to have them join our department! Please help us welcome them to the Cardiac Sciences Program.
5.     For those who use the SBH EPR:  You will notice the following update/additions regarding Cardiac Diagnostic tests: Holter/Event Monitor order requisition has been updated; SAEKG and Tilt Table Test are both new orders in EPR. Please note that these 2 tests can only be ordered by an Arrhythmia physician or their trainee/delegate.
6.     Awards were granted to two BScMed students who completed their research projects in the Section of Cardiac Surgery.  Summer Dubreil won an award for Outstanding Clinical Research Project for her project titled “Long-term outcomes of survivors undergoing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in Manitoba between 2007 and 2016.”  Kyla Barrie’s project, “TELESCOPE-CS: ThE Long tErm SuCcess Of Prolonged intEnsive care patients after Cardiac Surgery” earned her both the Dr. J.R.W. Nicholson prize for BScMed thesis with scientific merit and the A. Allyn Rossen Award for Best BScMed Research Thesis.  Congratulations to both of these women on their academic accomplishments!