Cardiac Staff Matters is a regular publication of updates, information, points to ponder, and things that are significant to the Program. The aim is to pass these points on during huddles, in conversations, and by posting in clinical areas to ensure widest dissemination.
1. University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI) Consultation Report The UOHI report was released on January 13th 2015. Among the many positive things said by the team, they provided their expert opinion on the areas where some investment could yield an enormous impact on the care we provide to patients. The report is online and available on the CBC website.
You are strongly encouraged to read the feedback with an analytical eye as opposed to a critical one. We are at a crossroads in the development of cardiovascular care for the people of Manitoba. Consider this a golden opportunity to roll-up our sleeves and do the heavy lifting that our deserving patients expect. I am confident in our ability to congeal as a team and improve the Program. Our challenge will be to filter out the noise of hearing some of the challenging messages and focus on what is important now – namely, creating the most integrated care environment focused on successful outcomes for our patients. They deserve nothing less than our best effort.
From the consultation report:
“The mission of the WRHA Cardiac Sciences Program is to be recognized as a national cardiac centre of excellence for patients in Manitoba. In the last decade, the Program has demonstrated excellent values for compassionate care and helping the community. It has grown considerably, recruited a high number of cardiovascular specialists, achieved excellent results, and demonstrated a spirit for innovation. We hope that the recommendations included in this report will take the CSP to a new governance model, help them reconsider some of the clinical management and practices so the Cardiac Program gets into the next phase of development with the right tools and the right strategy, getting increased recognition in the Province and beyond”.
2. Accreditation Information for Staff - Accreditation 2016
What is Accreditation?
Accreditation is the process of evaluating the services we provide against national standards of excellence. These standards cover all aspects of health care, from patient safety and ethics to staff training and partnering with the community. Patient safety is a key focus.
The accreditation process supports our efforts to reduce risk and improve care and organizational performance. Accreditation is a concrete way to demonstrate WRHA’s commitment to accountability, quality improvement, and safety. The process is an ongoing one. It helps us identify what we do well and where we could do better, and make improvements based on the results. What are the key steps in the process?
Step 1 Accreditation Planning
Programs, with input from sites and community areas, develop self-assessment plans based on the services they provide.
Step 2 Respond to Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ)
Invitations are sent out to staff to provide feedback by completing an SAQ, usually on-line. You may be asked to complete more than one SAQ, depending on your role.
Step 3 Analyze SAQ results, develop & implement Quality Improvement Roadmaps
Programs, sites and community areas analyze SAQ results, identify priorities, develop and implement improvement plans to address them.
Step 4 On-site survey
Programs, sites and community areas prepare for the on-site survey which will take place from April 17-22, 2016.
How is Accreditation different from previous years?
The WRHA has moved to a 4-year accreditation cycle with one region-wide on-site survey visit every four years. Assessing the region as a whole provides an opportunity to assess the quality, safety and continuity of services from a patient perspective, and identify successes and challenges at different points in the continuum of care. It gives us a regional perspective as well as an understanding of where gaps/challenges exist.
What do I need to know about Accreditation?
The accreditation process supports ongoing improvement.
When will the self-assessment questionnaires be sent out?
SAQs will be sent out by just over 30 programs/services areas. To manage this, a phased approach will be used and self-assessment questionnaires will be sent out from early February to June 2015. The first phase begins with Cardiac Sciences and Critical Care.
• Identified staff and physicians in these areas will be asked to respond to self-assessment questionnaires in early February, 2015. Second phase includes Emergency, Home Care Primary Care
• Identified staff and physicians in these areas will be asked to respond to self-assessment questionnaires in mid-February, 2015.
Self-Assessment Questionnaires – Frequently Asked Questions
Q – How will I be informed that I need to respond to a self-assessment questionnaire?
A – Invitations/requests to complete self-assessment questionnaires will be sent out by the Program and site Quality representatives.
Q – Will I be asked to answer more than one self-assessment questionnaire?
A –Depending upon your role, you may be asked to respond to multiple questionnaires. These may run at the same time or separately.
Q – How long will it take me to answer the self-assessment questionnaire?
A –The average questionnaire should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Q – What if I don’t know the answer to one of the questions?
A – For all questions, there is the option to choose “I don’t know”. If you don’t know the answer to the question being asked, please choose this option.
Q – What happens with the results of the self-assessment questionnaire?
A – Each site/ program will get a summary report that highlights areas of strength and suggested areas for improvement. The sites/programs can use the results to identify areas for quality improvement efforts that they will work on leading to the 2016 Accreditation visit.
Q – Is my response confidential?
A – Yes, absolutely! No one can be personally identified. You are an important part of Accreditation! If you have additional questions on the accreditation process, please speak to your Manager or site Quality lead.
3. 5A taking the first step in TeamSTEPPS
The staff on 5A are poised to embark on Team STEPPS training. All staff on 5A including nurses, HCA, SWC, housekeeping and allied health partners will be scheduled to participate.
What is TeamSTEPPS, you ask?
TeamSTEPPS is a teamwork system designed for health care professionals that is:
• A powerful solution to improving patient safety within your organization.
• An evidence-based teamwork system to improve communication and teamwork skills among health care professionals.
• A source for ready-to-use materials and a training curriculum to successfully integrate teamwork principles into all areas of your health care system.
• Scientifically rooted in more than 20 years of research and lessons from the application of teamwork principles.
• Developed by Department of Defense's Patient Safety Program in collaboration with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
TeamSTEPPS provides higher quality, safer patient care by:
• Producing highly effective medical teams that optimize the use of information, people, and resources to achieve the best clinical outcomes for patients.
• Increasing team awareness and clarifying team roles and responsibilities.
• Resolving conflicts and improving information sharing.
• Eliminating barriers to quality and safety.
TeamSTEPPS has a three-phased process aimed at creating and sustaining a culture of safety with:
• A pre-training assessment for site readiness.
• Training for onsite trainers and health care staff.
• Implementation and sustainment.
The TeamSTEPPS curriculum is an easy-to-use comprehensive multimedia kit that contains:
• Fundamentals modules in text and presentation format.
• A pocket guide that corresponds with the essentials version of the course.
• Video vignettes to illustrate key concepts.
• Workshop materials, including a supporting CD and DVD, on change management, coaching, and implementation.
If you have any points that you want to pass to the rest of the Program and/or have feedback, please contact Paul Joudrey or 204.237.2743
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